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Philippians 3:20
For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: (Philippians 3:20)
Lord Jesus Christ.
 See on ch. 2:5.
The Saviour.
Literally, “a savior.”
Look for.
 Gr. apekdechomai (see on Rom. 8:19), which expresses eager expectation on the part of those who wait. Apekdechomai is often used in connection with the blessed hope of Christ’s return (cf. Rom. 8:19, 23, 25; Gal. 5:5; Heb. 9:28). Those who eagerly await His coming will desire to prepare for that event (cf. on 1 John 1:3). They will feel that earthly affairs are of little importance, since the scenes of this earth will soon close.
They will live above the world, constantly desiring the Lord’s appearing.
From whence.
That is, from heaven.
The Christian needs a constant awareness of the fact that he is a citizen of heaven. Attachment to one’s country leads him to be loyal to it. Wherever he may be living he will conduct himself in a way that will honor the good name of his country. Keeping in mind the kind of life we expect to live in heaven, serves to guide us in our life on earth. The purity, humility, gentleness, and love we anticipate experiencing in the life to come may be demonstrated here below. Our actions should disclose that we are citizens of heaven. Our association with others should make heaven attractive to them.
 Paul stresses the fact that the Christian’s citizenship is already in heaven, even though he must presently live on earth (cf. Eph. 2:19; Col. 3:3; 1 John 3:2).
 Gr. politeuma, “commonwealth,” or “citizenship” (cf. on ch. 1:27). The KJV translation is based on the old meaning of the word “conversation”—one’s course of conduct, or behavior.
 Paul now contrasts the true Christian’s mind with that of the worldlings mentioned in vs. 18, 19.