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Psalm 115:1
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake. (Psalm 115:1)
 Ps. 115 sets forth the absurdity of worshiping idols, which are the work of men’s hands. The psalmist exhorts all the faithful to extol and praise the living God.
 In the LXX, Ps. 114 and Ps. 115 are combined to form one psalm, which is numbered 113 (see p. 627).
Not unto us.
A renunciation of self-praise. The psalmist is desirous that God should no longer be the object of insult and ridicule by the heathen.
Men are ever eager to ascribe praise to themselves or to have other lips praise them. They are likewise free in their flattery of others. Because of the tendency of the human heart toward pride, men are counseled to “beware of giving or receiving flattery or praise” (COL 161).