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Ezekiel 3:7
But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted. (Ezekiel 3:7)
All the house of Israel.
This expression should be interpreted to mean, “all the Israelites generally,” for there were at this time saints like Jeremiah and Daniel, and no doubt many others who, as individuals, were maintaining their integrity before God.
Unto me.
Lest Ezekiel should become discouraged by the refusal of the people to listen to his words, the Lord reminded him that they had already refused to listen to Him.
 “The servant is not greater than his lord” (John 13:16). The servant must not expect better treatment than his Master. The worker for souls feels keenly the refusal of men. Let him remember the more poignant disappointment of his Master, who is actually the one refused in the person of His servant. True, the servant may examine his effort to see whether through some deficiency in presentation mercy was refused. But many refused the Lord of glory Himself, and should His servants feel that they are superior to their Master?