EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wine   [219]
    downward course of many people begins with 5T 358;Te 96;
    drinking of, at festival for Herod Agrippa I in Caesarea AA 150
    evils of, united and intelligent effort needed to reveal Te 252
    fear of offending by refusing to take Te 199
    fermenting, vital truth compared to DA 279
    first lessons in sipping, how boys learn FE 63
    foundation of drinking habit laid by Te 277
    God explicitly forbids drinking of Te 92
    God expressly forbade use of Te 44
    God forbids drinking of Te 53, 92
    God’s word forbids drinking of Te 42
    Herod Antipas loved Te 49-51
    Herod Antipas led by, to slay John the Baptist DA 221;Te 50-1;
    indulgence in, after Flood Te 95
    intoxicates Te 94, 277
       as really as do stronger drinks MH 332;5T 356;Te 277;
    is: narcotic CD 281;2SM 283;
       health-destroying narcotic CD 490;2SM 302;
    is: stimulant MH 332;3T 185-6;5T 357;
       unnatural stimulant CD 154