EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wine   [219]
       vices of almost every type 5T 357;Te 92-3, 277;
    physical CD 31;FE 80;PK 482;
       appetite educated for stronger stimulants 5T 359
       appetite fostered by, for stronger stimulants MH 446;Te 270;
       blood corrupted 4T 30
       diseases of every kind 4T 30
       fostering of excessive eating of flesh foods Te 95
       grossness 5T 357;Te 277;
       health injured CD 31;FE 80;
       inebriation of worst kind 5T 356;Te 94-5, 277;
       nervous system disordered Te 93, 278
       personal vigor debilitated 4T 33-4
       physical degeneracy CH 49;Te 174;
       physical powers injured PK 482
       stomach ruined CD 411
       taste awakened for stronger drinks MH 332;5T 356;Te 277-8;
2. Fermented (manufacture of) 5T 354-61;Te 98;
    Christians cannot conscientiously engage in 5T 356
    Christian should not engage in MH 334
    church’s duty to members engaging in 5T 359