EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wine   [219]
    it is no excuse to say that if you do not engage in, somebody else will 5T 360
    raising of grapes for, warning against Te 99
    those who engage in, are transgressors of God’s law 5T 359
       will be punished for sins they influence others to commit 5T 359
    warning against Te 98
    EGW decidedly opposed Te 96
    EGW would not sell grapes to winery for Te 99
3. Fermented (miscellaneous)
    abstain wholly from CG 401;Te 186-7;
    argument that a little, does no harm Te 96
    athletes of ancient games were forbidden to drink CD 27-8;4T 33;Te 144;
    better work can be done without FE 428
    Bible nowhere sanctions drinking of MH 333
    Bible nowhere teaches men to drink Te 97
    child of God should not drink Te 65
    children should not be given CD 235
    Christ never made Te 98
    condiments lead to use of Te 57
    Daniel and companions refused to drink 4BC 1167;CD 154;PK 481;SL 21-2;5T 448 See also Daniel;
    do not use, in communion service Te 97-8