EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
    represented as continually standing at altar offering up sacrifice for sins of world 1SM 343
    sins of God’s people are transferred to sanctuary by blood of GC 421;PP 357-8;SR 378;
    sins of God’s people stand on record in sanctuary until final atonement is made by GC 421;PP 357;
    sinners may approach God through PP 353
    Spirit is promised by, to abide with His consecrated laborers TM 218
    surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousand of heavenly beings 7BC 933
    unchanging love of, for His church GW 34
    work of, it is essential that we understand GC 431
    works through earthly messengers by Spirit while He performs His priestly ministry CH 545
3. In holy place
    bears names of all His people on His heart COL 148
    benefits of His atonement shed by, upon disciples on Day of Pentecost EW 260
    close of ministration (mediation, or intercession) of: present test on Sabbath could not come until EW 42
       Rev. 3:7, 8 pointed to EW 86;GC 430;1SM 63;
       took place in 1844 EW 42
    door of holy place shut by, in 1844 EW 42-3, 86, 250-1;GC 428-30, 435;1SM 74;
    faith of disciples followed, after His ascension GC 421
    mediation of, Jews who could not be benefited by EW 260
    minds of disciples were directed to, on Day of Pentecost EW 260
    ministration of EW 253;GC 420-1;