EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
    now set down with Father in His throne GC 416
    offering of His own blood borne by EW 253
    offers His shed blood for our offenses and shortcomings 1SM 344
    officiates in heaven of heavens DA 757
    outpouring of Spirit on Day of Pentecost as token that, had received authority as priest and king AA 39
    penitent confessions of sin by God’s people ascend to 1SM 344
    pleads: efficacy of His blood in our behalf FE 370
       His blood in behalf of penitent believers PP 357
    pleads before Father as our intercessor 7BC 933
    pleads for: all who by repentance and faith commit keeping of their souls to Him PK 586
       His church AA 552;PK 588-9;TM 92;
       His people before Father’s throne EW 54-5;1SM 125, 258;
       people of God PP 353
    pleads His blood before: Father for sinner PP 351
       mercy seat in sinner’s behalf GC 415-7
    praise of His people is presented to the Father by 1SM 344
    prayers by His people are presented to Father by 6BC 1078;1SM 344;TM 92-3;
    prayers of God’s people are directed to PP 353;4aSG 9;SR 155;
    receives our petitions and presents them to Father 4T 528
    remnant church pleads for pardon and deliverance through PK 588