〉   23
Proverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23)
Buy the truth.
Truth is a treasure to be gained at any cost and never to be relinquished, whatever the temptation. The ability to see clearly the application of principle to daily happenings requires diligent application and a willingness to admit error. The closer a man comes to his Saviour, and the more he studies the Word of God, the more his eyes are opened to the real nature of things. If self-serving creeps in and the eyes are closed to facts in order that some temporal advantage may be gained, the truth is being sold and the man is in danger. If the process of self-deception continues, there comes a time when all understanding of the value of truth is lost and the man is doomed. Few realize how dangerous are the little self-deceptions in which they indulge, or for what petty price they sell truth and eternal life.