〉   18
Judges 15:18
And he was sore athirst, and called on the Lord, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised? (Judges 15:18)
Called on the Lord.
 When he was in great difficulty Samson resorted to prayer. Only here in this time of crisis, and in a similar situation at the time of his death (ch. 16:28), is there a record that Samson prayed to God. Each time the Lord answered his prayer. What a tragedy that his prayer life was so deficient He might have been a mighty spiritual leader had he been more spiritually-minded. But only when he feared death was nigh, as far as the record goes, did he call upon God, and as a result he was a spiritual pygmy. It is a good thing to call upon God in the day of trouble, but the pity is that so many ignore Him the rest of their days.
Sore athirst.
In that region the heat becomes intense, especially in harvesttime, and water is scarce. Evidently Samson’s exertions had almost completely exhausted him. He probably feared that the Philistines would regroup or get reinforcements and attack him in a short time. If they should find him in his present condition, he would not be able to resist them. By these circumstances God was trying to teach Samson that apart from divine aid he could not deliver Israel. This great victory was due to God’s help. Samson could not even get off the battlefield in his own strength, and would perish unless God came to his aid.