EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
    how injury of, affected her LS 17-9;2SG 7-12;1T 9-13;
    attended school but little after her injury LS 18-9;2SG 11-2;1T 12-3;
    girl who injured, helped her in school LS 19;2SG 11;1T 12-3;
    quit school because of poor health LS 19;2SG 12;1T 13;
    suffered ill health in childhood 1T 75
    naturally proud and ambitious LS 39
    had great ambition to become scholar 1T 13
    converted in early youth EW 11;WM 99;
    enrolled in ladies’ seminary when 12 years old LS 26;2SG 14;1T 13;
    did not attend school after 12 years old 2SG 14;1T 13;
    discouraged because unable to go to school 1T 13
    minister’s reading of Acts 12 greatly impressed, in her youth Ev 581
    1840 (1839), March: heard Miller (Wm.) lecture at Portland, Me. LS 20;2SG 12;1T 14 [1839 date in this early memory statement is incorrect. See 2SG 3, 295.];
    1840, summer: attended Methodist camp meeting at Buxton, Me. LS 22-5;2SG 12;1T 16-9;
       [summer]: found Christ at altar at camp meeting LS 23;1T 17;
       [summer]: taken into Methodist Church on probation 1T 19
    interested in subject of sanctification 2SG 14
    concerned about her manner of dress when 12 years old 2SG 12-14;1T 20;
    mother taught, to work CG 124
    learned trade when 12 years old AH 384;CS 292;MYP 299;