EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       —: lungs of, were diseased 2SG 29-30;1T 55;
       —: Spirit often rested in great measure upon 2SG 29;1T 55;
       Oct. 22: disappointment of, because Christ did not come as expected EW 13;GC 400-3;LS 61-3, 68;2SG 29-30;1T 55-8;
       doctrine of open and shut door as held by, prior to receiving her first vision 1SM 63
       —: suffered from dropsical consumption with hemorrhage through mouth 2SG 30
       —: slept at night bolstered up almost in sitting position 2SG 30
       December: first vision of, at Portland, Me. EW 13-4;LS 64, 68;2SG 30, 35;1T 58, 62;5T 654;
    1844-45, winter: at Portland, Me. EW 20;LS 69-70;2SG 35;1T 62;
       —: told to make known to others what God had shown her LS 69;2SG 35-6;1T 62;5T 655;
       —: promised grace sufficient for trials and opposition EW 20;LS 69;2SG 35;1SM 32, 70;1T 62;5T 655;
       —: prayed for burden of testimony to be given to someone more capable EW 20;LS 69;2SG 36;1SM 32-3;1T 62;
       —: promised she might eat of tree of life if found faithful EW 21;LS 72;2SG 37;1SM 33;1T 65;5T 655;
       —: 17 years old, small, frail, unused to society, and naturally timid and retiring EW 20;LS 69;2SG 36;1SM 101;1T 62;
       —: health of, so poor that she was in constant bodily suffering EW 20;LS 69;2SG 36;1T 62;
    1845, —: troubled exceedingly re duty to tell others what God had shown to her EW 20;LS 69-70;2SG 36-7;1T 62-4;
       —: attended a meeting in her father’s home in Portland, Me. LS 70-1;2SG 36-7;1T 64;
       —: bright light like ball of fire fell upon LS 71;2SG 37;1T 64;
       —: told again to make known to others what God had shown her LS 72;2SG 37;1T 64;
       —: prayed that she be kept from self-exaltation EW 21;LS 72;2SG 37;1T 65;5T 655;
       early: visited her sisters at Poland, Me. LS 72;2SG 38;1T 65;