EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Chronology and time relationships   [469]
    Passover moon shone broad and full from cloudless sky when Christ went to Gethsemane to pray with disciples DA 685
    Passover observance began with birth of Hebrew nation DA 76;PP 273-80;
    Passover, time of, corresponded to close of March or beginning of April DA 76
    Passover was: celebrated on fourteenth day of the month at even PP 486, 539
       followed by seven days of Feast of Unleavened Bread DA 77;PP 539;
       held when barley was beginning to ripen in Palestine PP 539
       observed in springtime DA 76;PP 537-8;
    patriarchs from Adam to Noah lived nearly 1,000 years, with few exceptions CH 19
    Paul and Barnabas labored together a year in Antioch of Syria SR 301
    Paul at Jerusalem about three years after his conversion AA 128
    Paul labored: a year and a half at Corinth AA 270;7T 268;
       more than three years at Ephesus AA 291
    Paul lived more than 1,000 years after Abraham and Lot did 6T 342
    Paul was: executed on summer’s day AA 511-2;SR 317;
       released by Nero in year before Rome was burned AA 487
       shipwrecked at Melita in November 6BC 1067
    Paul was prisoner two years at: Caesarea AA 426, 454;6BC 1066;
       Rome AA 453, 464, 485, 487
    Paul wrote First Epistle to Corinthians during latter part of his stay at Ephesus AA 298
    Paul’s second trial at Rome occurred not long before Nero’s infamous expedition to Greece AA 496-7