EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Chronology and time relationships   [469]
    Nebuchadnezzar felt God’s judgment one year after being forewarned PK 519
    Nebuchadnezzar for first time besieged and captured Jerusalem early in reign of Jehoiakim PK 428
    Nebuchadnezzar was maniac seven years PK 520
    Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of Daniel 2 occurred: more than half a century before Belshazzar’s feast PK 527
       soon after Daniel and companions had entered service of the king PK 491
    Nehemiah waited four months for opportunity to present his request to Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) PK 630
    night interview of Nicodemus with Christ occurred three years before His death AA 104;DA 176;
    Nineveh given 40 years of probation in Jonah’s time 2SM 149
    ninth month of Jewish year was in winter PK 433
    no rain fell during wheat harvest in May and June in East PP 615
    no Scriptures during first 2,500 years of human history GC 5
    no servile work was to be performed on: first day of Feast of Unleavened Bread PP 539
       on seventh day of Feast of Unleavened Bread PP 539
    Noah lived 350 years after Flood PP 120
    Noah preached 120 years before Flood FE 504;LS 208;PP 96, 102;SR 62-3;7T 36;
    Noah was in ark seven days before Flood came PP 98;3SG 68;SR 65-6;
    Noah’s ark was tossed about by Flood five long months PP 105
    Othniel ruled in Israel 40 years 2BC 1002
    Passover had been observed 1,500 years by Israelites before Christ’s death GC 399
    Passover lamb was slain on fourteenth day of first Jewish month GC 399