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Romans 8:5
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. (Romans 8:5)
The things of the flesh.
 We are under the predominating influence of one or the other of the two principles contrasted in this verse. According as one or the other has the mastery, so will be the complexion of our lives and the character of our actions. Paul describes the absolute contrast between the things of the flesh and the things of the Spirit in Gal. 5:16-24.
Do mind.
 Gr. phroneō, “to think of,” “to care for,” “to set the mind and heart on,” “to strive after.” The word denotes the whole action of the affections and of the will as well as of the reason. Compare the use of phroneō in Matt. 16:23; Rom. 12:16; Phil. 3:19; Col. 3:2. The whole mental and moral activity of those who are “after the flesh” is set upon the selfish gratification of unspiritual desires.
They that are.
 This may express a different aspect from “walk” (v. 4). To be “according to the flesh” means to have the flesh for the ruling principle of our being. “To walk according to the flesh” is to follow this principle in the actual life. “Walk” expresses the manifestation of the condition expressed by “are.” See on v. 4.