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Numbers 2:34
And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they set forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers. (Numbers 2:34)
Afrikaans, Afrikaans 1933/1953
Die seuns van Yisra’el het gedoen net soos יהוה Moshe beveel het; so het hulle kamp opgeslaan volgens hulle baniere en so het hulle opgebreek, elkeen volgens sy familie, by sy vader se huis. (NÚMERI 2:34)
Albanian, Albanian Bibla Shqip
Bijtë e Izraelit iu bindën të gjitha urdhrave që Zoti i kishte dhënë Moisiut: kështu ata fushuan pranë flamurëve të tyre dhe kështu e nisnin marshimin, secili simbas familjes së tij dhe simbas shtëpisë së etërve të tij. (Numrat 2:34)
Bulgarian, Bulgarian Bible
И тъй, израилтяните правеха напълно това що Господ заповяда на Моисея; така поставяха шатрите си при знамената си, така се и дигаха, всеки според семействата си, по бащините си домове. (Числа 2:34)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
以 色 列 人 就 这 样 行 , 各 人 照 他 们 的 家 室 、 宗 族 归 於 本 纛 , 安 营 起 行 , 都 是 照 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。 (民數記 2:34)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
以 色 列 人 就 這 樣 行 , 各 人 照 他 們 的 家 室 、 宗 族 歸 於 本 纛 , 安 營 起 行 , 都 是 照 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。 (民數記 2:34)
Chinese, 现代标点和合本
以色列人就这样行,各人照他们的家室、宗族归于本纛,安营起行,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。 (民數記 2:34)
Chinese, 現代標點和合本
以色列人就這樣行,各人照他們的家室、宗族歸於本纛,安營起行,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。 (民數記 2:34)
Croatian, Croatian Bible
U svemu su Izraelci učinili kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju. Tako su taborovali pod svojim zastavama i tako išli, svatko prema svom rodu i porodici. (Brojevi 2:34)
Czech, Czech BKR
I učinili synové Izraelští všecko; jakž přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi, tak rozbijeli stany při korouhvech svých, a tak táhli jeden každý po čeledech svých a po domích otců svých. (Numeri 2:34)
Danish, Danish
Og ganske som HERREN havde paalagt Moses, slog Israeliterne Lejr, Felttegn for Felttegn, og i den Rækkefølge brød de op, enhver med sine Slægter, med sit Fædrenehus. (4 Mosebog 2:34)
Dutch, Dutch Staten Vertaling
En de kinderen Israels deden naar alles, wat de HEERE Mozes geboden had, zo legerden zij zich naar hun banieren, en zo trokken zij op, een iegelijk naar zijn geslachten, naar het huis zijner vaderen. (Numeri 2:34)
English, American King James Version
And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they set forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers. (Numbers 2:34)
English, American Standard Version
Thus did the children of Israel; according to all that Jehovah commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they set forward, every one by their families, according to their fathers houses. (Numbers 2:34)
English, Darby Bible
And the children of Israel did according to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses: so they encamped according to their standards, and so they journeyed, every one according to their families, according to their fathers' houses. (Numbers 2:34)
English, English Revised Version
Thus the children of Israel did. According to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by their families, according to their fathers' houses. (Numbers 2:34)
English, King James Version
And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they set forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers. (Numbers 2:34)
English, New American Standard Bible
Thus the sons of Israel did; according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, every one by his family according to his father's household. (Numbers 2:34)
English, Webster’s Bible
And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they moved forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers. (Numbers 2:34)
English, World English Bible
Thus the children of Israel did. According to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by their families, according to their fathers' houses. (Numbers 2:34)
English, Young's Literal Translation
And the sons of Israel do according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses; so they have encamped by their standards, and so they have journeyed; each by his families, by the house of his fathers. (Numbers 2:34)
Esperanto, Esperanto
Kaj la Izraelidoj faris konforme al cxio, kion la Eternulo ordonis al Moseo:tiel ili starigxis tendare kun siaj standardoj, kaj tiel ili elmovigxadis, cxiu laux sia familio, laux sia patrodomo. (Nombroj 2:34)
Finnish, Finnish Bible 1776
Ja Israelin lapset tekivät sen: kaiken sen jälkeen, kuin Herra oli Mosekselle käskenyt, sioittivat he heitänsä lippuinsa alle ja matkustivat itsekukin sukukunnassansa, isäinsä huoneen jälkeen. (4. Mooseksen kirja 2:34)
French, Darby
Et les fils d'Israel firent selon tout ce que l'Eternel avait commande à Moise: ainsi ils camperent selon leurs bannieres, et ainsi ils partirent, chacun selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons de peres. (Nombres 2:34)
French, Louis Segond
Et les enfants d'Israël se conformèrent à tous les ordres que l'Eternel avait donnés à Moïse. C'est ainsi qu'ils campaient, selon leurs bannières; et c'est ainsi qu'ils se mettaient en marche, chacun selon sa famille, selon la maison de ses pères. (Nombres 2:34)
French, Martin 1744
Et les enfants d'Israël firent selon toutes les choses que l'Eternel avait commandées à Moïse, [et] campèrent ainsi selon leurs bannières, et partirent ainsi, chacun selon leurs familles, [et] selon la maison de leurs pères. (Nombres 2:34)
German, Luther 1912
Und die Kinder Israel taten alles, wie der HERR dem Mose geboten hatte, und lagerten sich unter ihre Paniere und zogen aus, ein jeglicher in seinem Geschlecht nach seinem Vaterhaus. (Números 2:34)
German, Modernized
Und die Kinder Israel taten alles, wie der HERR Mose geboten hatte, und lagerten sich unter ihre Paniere und zogen aus, ein jeglicher in seinem Geschlecht nach ihrer Väter Hause. (Números 2:34)
Hebrew, Hebrew And Greek
וַֽיַּעֲשׂ֖וּ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל כְּ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֨ה יְהוָ֜ה אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֗ה כֵּֽן־חָנ֤וּ לְדִגְלֵיהֶם֙ וְכֵ֣ן נָסָ֔עוּ אִ֥ישׁ לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖יו עַל־בֵּ֥ית אֲבֹתָֽיו׃ (במדבר 2:34)
Hebrew, Westminster Leningrad Codex
וַֽיַּעֲשׂ֖וּ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל כְּ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֨ה יְהוָ֜ה אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֗ה כֵּֽן־חָנ֤וּ לְדִגְלֵיהֶם֙ וְכֵ֣ן נָסָ֔עוּ אִ֥ישׁ לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖יו עַל־בֵּ֥ית אֲבֹתָֽיו׃ (במדבר 2:34)
Hungarian, Karoli Bible 1908
És cselekedének Izráel fiai mind a szerint, a mint parancsolta volt az Úr Mózesnek: aképen járának tábort, az õ zászlóik szerint, és úgy indulának, kiki az õ nemzetsége szerint, az õ atyáiknak háznépe szerint. (4 Mózes 2:34)
Indonesian, Terjemahan Lama
Maka diperbuatlah oleh bani Israel segala sesuatu yang firman Tuhan kepada Musa, didirikannyalah kemahnya seturut panji-panjinya, demikianpun berjalanlah mereka itu masing-masing dengan sukunya serta dengan isi rumah bapa-bapanya. (Bilangan 2:34)
Italian, Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649
E i figliuoli d’Israele fecero interamente come il Signore avea comandato a Mosè; così si accampavano distinti per le lor bandiere, e così si movevano, ciascuno secondo la sua nazione, e secondo la sua famiglia paterna. (Numeri 2:34)
Italian, Riveduta Bible 1927
E i figliuoli d’Israele si conformarono in tutto agli ordini che l’Eterno avea dati a Mosè: così s’accampavano secondo le loro bandiere, e così si mettevano in marcia, ciascuno secondo la sua famiglia, secondo la casa de’ suoi padri. (Numeri 2:34)
Japanese, Japanese 1955
イスラエルの人々は、すべて主がモーセに命じられたとおりに行い、その旗にしたがって宿営し、おのおのその氏族に従い、その父祖の家に従って進んだ。 (民数記 2:34)
Korean, 개역개정
이스라엘 자손이 여호와께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 다 준행하여 각기 종족과 조상의 가문에 따르며 자기들의 기를 따라 진 치기도 하며 행진하기도 하였더라 (민수기 2:34)
Korean, 개역한글
이스라엘 자손이 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신대로 다 준행하여 각기 가족과 종족을 따르며 그 기를 따라 진 치기도 하며 진행하기도 하였더라 (민수기 2:34)
Lithuanian, Lithuanian
Izraelitai viską padarė taip, kaip Viešpats įsakė. Jie sustodavo ir žygiuodavo būriais, giminėmis ir šeimomis. (Skaičių 2:34)
Maori, Maori
Na ka peratia e nga tama a Iharaira; ka peratia katoatia i ta Ihowa i whakahau ai ki a Mohi, ta ratou whakanoho ki te taha o a ratou kara, to ratou hapainga atu, tenei, tenei, i roto i tona hapu ano, rite tonu ki nga whare o o ratou matua. (Numbers 2:34)
Norwegian, Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930
Og Israels barn gjorde så; de leiret sig under sine banner og brøt op, enhver efter sin ætt og sin familie, i alle deler således som Herren hadde befalt Moses. (4 Mosebok 2:34)
Polish, Polska Biblia [Polish Holy Bible]
I uczynili synowie Izraelscy wedlug wszystkiego; jako rozkazal Pan Mojzeszowi, tak sie stanowili obozem przy choragwiach swych, i ciagneli kazdy wedlug familii swych, i wedlug domów ojców swych. (4 Mojżeszowa 2:34)
Portuguese, Almeida Corrigida Fiel
E os filhos de Israel fizeram conforme a tudo o que o Senhor ordenara a Moisés; assim armaram o arraial segundo as suas bandeiras, e assim marcharam, cada qual segundo as suas gerações, segundo a casa de seus pais. (Números 2:34)
Portuguese, Bíblia King James Atualizada
Assim sendo, os israelitas realizaram tudo o que Yahweh tinha ordenado a Moisés: eles acampavam junto a seus estandartes e depois partiam, cada um com seu clã e com sua família. (Números 2:34)
Romanian, Romanian Version
Şi copiii lui Israel au făcut întocmai după toate poruncile pe care le dăduse lui Moise Domnul. Aşa tăbărau ei, după steagurile lor; şi astfel porneau la drum, fiecare după familia lui, după casa părinţilor lui. (Numeri 2:34)
Russian, koi8r
И сделали сыны Израилевы всё, что повелел Господь Моисею: так становились станами при знаменах своих и так шли каждый по племенам своим, по семействам своим. (Числа 2:34)
Russian, Synodal Translation
И сделали сыны Израилевы все, что повелел Господь Моисею: такстановились станами при знаменах своих и так шли каждыйпо племенам своим, по семействам своим. (Числа 2:34)
Spanish, Reina Valera 1989
E hicieron los hijos de Israel conforme a todas las cosas que Jehová mandó a Moisés; así acamparon por sus banderas, y así marcharon cada uno por sus familias, según las casas de sus padres. (Números 2:34)
Spanish, Spanish Reina Valera Gómez
Y los hijos de Israel hicieron conforme a todas las cosas que Jehová mandó a Moisés; así acamparon por sus banderas, y así marcharon cada uno por sus familias, según las casas de sus padres. (Números 2:34)
Spanish, Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
E hicieron los hijos de Israel conforme a todas las cosas que el SEÑOR mandó a Moisés; así asentaron el campamento por sus banderas, y así marcharon cada uno por sus familias, según las casas de sus padres. (Números 2:34)
Swedish, Swedish Bible
Och Israels barn gjorde så; alldeles så, som HERREN hade bjudit Mose, lägrade de sig under sina baner, och så tågade de ock, var och en i sin släkt, efter sin familj. (4 Mosebok 2:34)
Tagalog, Ang Dating Biblia 1905
Gayon ginawa ng mga anak ni Israel; ayon sa lahat ng iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises ay gayon sila humantong sa siping ng kanilang mga watawat, at gayon sila nagsisulong, na bawa't isa'y ayon sa kanilang mga angkan, ayon sa mga sangbahayan ng kanilang mga magulang. (Mga Bilang 2:34)
Thai, Thai: from KJV
คนอิสราเอลก็กระทำดังนั้น เขาทั้งหลายตั้งค่ายอยู่ตามธง และยกออกเดินไปทุกคนตามครอบครัวของตน ตามเรือนบรรพบุรุษของตน ตามที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาโมเสสไว้ทุกประการ (กันดารวิถี 2:34)
Turkish, Turkish
Böylece İsrailliler RAB'bin Musa'ya buyurduğu gibi yaptılar. Sancakları altında ordugah kurdular. Göç ederken de herkes boyu ve ailesiyle birlikte yola çıktı. (ÇÖLDE SAYIM 2:34)
Vietnamese, Vietnamese Bible
Dân Y-sơ-ra-ên y theo mọi điều Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn Môi-se, bèn đóng trại tùy theo ngọn cờ mình, và mỗi người ra đi tùy theo họ hàng và tông tộc mình. (Dân-số Ký 2:34)