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Exodus 14:20
And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. (Exodus 14:20)
It came between.
 The Egyptians apparently reached the vicinity of the Israelites camp at the close of a long day’s march (PP 287). Like an impenetrable wall of fog rolling in from the sea, the cloudy pillar settled between the pursued and the pursuers, forcing the latter to halt. Convinced that the Hebrews could not escape, the Egyptians postponed the attack to the next day (vs. 23, 24; 4T 24; PP 287).
It was a cloud.
The expressions “to them” and “to these,” while not in the Hebrew but supplied by the KJV translators, are apparently justified by the context (see also PP 287). The night drew on apace, intensifying the impenetrable wall of darkness provided by the cloud. Meanwhile, on the side facing the Israelites the pillar presented the appearance of a brilliant torch, lighting up the whole camp and making it as easy to prepare for the march as it would have been by day. Thus, the flocks could be gathered, the beasts of burden collected and laded, and the various tribes and families arranged in marching order (see PP 281). They awaited only the signal to start.