2MCP 462.2, 467, 765
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 462.2, 467, 765)
Faith is what you need. Do not let faith waver. Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. It will be a severe fight, but fight it at any cost, for the promises of God are “yea” and “amen” in Christ Jesus. Put your hand in the hand of Christ. There are difficulties to be overcome, but angels that excel in strength will cooperate with the people of God. Face Zion, press your way to the city of solemnities. A glorious crown and a robe woven in the loom of heaven await the overcomer. Though Satan would cast his hellish shadow athwart your pathway and seek to hide from your view the mystic ladder that stretches from earth to the throne of God, on which ascend and descend the angels who are ministering spirits to those who shall be heirs of salvation, yet press your way upward, plant your feet on one round after another, and advance to the throne of the Infinite.—Und MS 23. (2MCP 462.2) MC VC
Not the Will of God—It is not the will of God that His people should be weighed down with care.—Steps to Christ, 122 (1892). (2MCP 467.1) MC VC
Anxiety Tends to Sickness and Disease—When wrongs have been righted, we may present the needs of the sick to the Lord in calm faith, as His Spirit may indicate. He knows each individual by name and cares for each as if there were not another upon the earth for whom He gave His beloved Son. Because God’s love is so great and so unfailing, the sick should be encouraged to trust in Him and be cheerful. To be anxious about themselves tends to cause weakness and disease. If they will rise above depression and gloom, their prospect of recovery will be better; for “the eye of the Lord is upon them” “that hope in His mercy” (Psalm 33:18).—The Ministry of Healing, 229 (1905). (2MCP 467.2) MC VC
Cease Worrying (counsel to friend facing death)—I keep your case before me, and I am grieved that you are troubled in mind. I would comfort you if it were in my power. Has not Jesus, the precious Saviour, been to you so many times a present help in times of need? Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, but cease worrying. This is what you have many times talked to others. Let the words of those who are not sick, as you are, comfort you, and may the Lord help you, is my prayer.—Lt 365, 1904. (Selected Messages 2:253.) (2MCP 467.3) MC VC
The instruction is to be often given that what God has said will never fail. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. We must teach every soul to lay his requests by prayer on the mercy seat. Strength and grace will surely come to the one who does this, for the Lord has promised. And yet so many go in weakness because they do not believe that God will do just as He has said.—MS 19, 1894. (2MCP 765.1) MC VC
God Has Given Rules—The father is the lawmaker of the household; and, like Abraham, he should make the law of God the rule of his home. God said of Abraham, “I know him, that he will command his children and his household” (Genesis 18:19). There would be no sinful neglect to restrain evil; no weak, unwise, indulgent favoritism; no yielding of his conviction of duty to the claims of mistaken affection. Abraham would not only give right instruction, but he would maintain the authority of just and righteous laws. (2MCP 765.2) MC VC
God has given rules for our guidance. Children should not be left to wander away from the safe path marked out in God’s Word, into ways leading to danger, which are open on every side. Kindly but firmly, with persevering, prayerful effort, their wrong desires should be restrained, their inclinations denied.—The Ministry of Healing, 390, 391 (1905). (2MCP 765.3) MC VC
Listen to Counsel of Experience (words to a distraught husband and father)—You have been afloat in the world, but the eternal truth will prove an anchor to you. You need to guard your faith. Do not move from impulse or entertain vague theories. Experimental faith in Christ and submission to the law of God are of the highest consequence to you. Be willing to take the advice and counsel of those who have experience. Make no delay in the work of overcoming. Be true to yourself, to your children, and to God. Your afflicted son needs to be tenderly dealt with. As a father you should remember that the nerves that can thrill with pleasure can also thrill with keenest pain. The Lord identifies His interest with that of suffering humanity.—Testimonies for the Church 4:368 (1879). (2MCP 765.4) MC VC