PM 148.1, 149.2
(The Publishing Ministry 148.1, 149.2)
Satan will leave no means untried to accomplish his object, to conceal and obscure truth and establish error. This has been done. God has been dishonored; truth and righteousness have languished through unholy confederacy. Oh, the deceptions that Satan will practice in order to destroy the soul! Through the love of money, conscience has been sold for gain; there has been a violation of principle, of honor, of integrity. God knows every work, and it will all be brought into judgment. Oh, that the blind eyes may be opened!—Letter 71, 1894. (PM 148.1) MC VC
After I had witnessed the confederacy for raising the wages of the workers in the office, the Lord brought me into the meetings of the auditing committee that settle with the ministers for their labor. Angels of God were there, making a record of everything done. Brother E’s voice was the controlling power, cutting down wherever he pleased, deciding the wages of the workers according to his ideas and feelings. How little did anyone think that the universe of heaven were noting every transaction. Brother E was not a poor man; he accepted large wages for himself and gave his strong influence of securing large wages for others in the office. But these other workers, whose circumstances neither he nor other members of the auditing committee took pains to ascertain, were paid according to the impulse of this one man. This work will be met in that great day when every work shall be brought “into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”(Ecclesiastes 12:14)—Letter 15, 1895. (PM 149.2) MC VC