5BC 1095, 1120
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 1095, 1120)
Chapter 16 VC
6. See EGW comment on Luke 12:1. (5BC 1095.1) MC VC
18. The True Foundation—[Matthew 16:18 quoted.] The word “Peter” signifies a loose stone. Christ did not refer to Peter as being the rock upon which He would found His church. His expression “this rock,” applied to Himself as the foundation of the Christian church (The Signs of the Times, October 28, 1913). (5BC 1095.2) MC VC
18, 19. See EGW comment on John 20:23. (5BC 1095.3) MC VC
22, 23 (Luke 22:31, 32). Satan Between Peter and Christ—See what the Lord said to Peter.... He said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” What was Satan doing? He came right up face to face with Peter and between the Lord and Peter, so that Peter even took it upon him to reprove the Lord. But the Lord came close to Peter and Satan was put behind Christ. The Lord told Peter that Satan had desired him, that he might sift him as wheat, but He says, “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” If Peter had learned the lessons he ought to have learned, if he had stood right with God at the time of his trial, he would have stood then. If he had not been indifferent to the lessons Christ taught, he would have never denied his Lord (Manuscript 14, 1894). (5BC 1095.4) MC VC
Satan Spoke Through Peter—When Christ revealed to Peter the time of trial and suffering that was just before Him, and Peter replied, “Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee,”(Matthew 16:22) the Saviour commanded, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” Matthew 16:23. Satan was speaking through Peter, making him act the part of the tempter. Satan′s presence was unsuspected by Peter, but Christ could detect the presence of the deceiver, and in His rebuke to Peter He addressed the real foe (Letter 244, 1907). (5BC 1095.5) MC VC
Satan′s work was to discourage Jesus as He strove to save the depraved race, and Peter′s words were just what he wished to hear. They were opposed to the divine plan; and whatever bore this stamp of character was an offense to God. They were spoken at the instigation of Satan; for they opposed the only arrangement God could make to preserve His law and control His subjects, and yet save fallen man. Satan hoped they would discourage and dishearten Christ; but Christ addressed the author of the thought, saying, “Get thee behind me, Satan”(Matthew 16:23) (The Review and Herald, April 6, 1897). (5BC 1095.6) MC VC
24 (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; see EGW comment on Matthew 11:28-30). Travel Christ’s Road—Those who are saved must travel the same road over which Christ journeyed. He says, “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”(Mark 8:34) The character is to be formed according to the Christlikeness (Manuscript 105, 1901). (5BC 1095.7) MC VC
The Cross Lifts—We are to lift the cross, and follow the steps of Christ. Those who lift the cross will find that as they do this, the cross lifts them, giving them fortitude and courage, and pointing them to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world (The Review and Herald, July 13, 1905). (5BC 1095.8) MC VC
(Job 19:25.) Up From the Lowlands—The cross lifts you up from the lowlands of earth, and brings you into sweetest communion with God. Through bearing the cross your experience may be such that you can say, ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth,’ and because He lives, I shall live also.” Job 19:25. What an assurance is this (Manuscript 85, 1901)! (5BC 1095.9) MC VC
(Matthew 7:13, 14.) At the Dividing of the Way—The cross stands where two roads diverge. One is the path of obedience leading to heaven. The other leads into the broad road, where man can easily go with his burden of sin and corruption, but it leads to perdition (Manuscript 50, 1898). (5BC 1095.10) MC VC
Chapter 5 VC
29 (Matthew 9:9, 10; Mark 2:14, 15). Matthew Honored Christ Before Friends—In his grateful humility, Matthew desired to show his appreciation of the honor bestowed upon him, and, calling together those who had been his associates in business, in pleasure, and sin, he made a great feast for the Saviour. If Jesus would call him, who was so sinful and unworthy, He would surely accept his former companions who were, thought Matthew, far more deserving than himself. Matthew had a great longing that they should share the benefits of the mercies and grace of Christ. He desired them to know that Christ did not, as did the scribes and Pharisees, despise and hate the publicans and sinners. He wanted them to know Christ as the blessed Saviour. (5BC 1120.1) MC VC
At the feast the Saviour occupied the most honored seat. Matthew was now the servant of Christ, and he would have his friends know in what light he regarded his Leader and Master. He would have them know that he felt highly honored in entertaining so royal a guest. (5BC 1120.2) MC VC
Jesus never refused an invitation to such a feast. The object ever before Him was to sow in the hearts of His hearers the seeds of truth, through His winning conversation to draw hearts to Himself. In His every act Christ had a purpose, and the lesson which He gave on this occasion was timely and appropriate. By this act He declared that even publicans and sinners were not excluded from His presence. Publicans and sinners could now bear the testimony that Christ honored them with His presence and conversed with them (Manuscript 3, 1898). (5BC 1120.3) MC VC
30. See EGW comment on Matthew 9:11. (5BC 1120.4) MC VC
31, 32. See EGW comment on Matthew 9:12, 13. (5BC 1120.5) MC VC
32. See EGW comment on Matthew 9:13. (5BC 1120.6) MC VC
37, 38. See EGW comment on Matthew 9:17. (5BC 1120.7) MC VC
Chapter 6 VC
37. See EGW comment on Matthew 7:1, 2. (5BC 1120.8) MC VC
Chapter 7 VC
29, 30 (Matthew 13:15; John 12:39, 40). Pharisees Did Not Blindly Oppose Christ—The scribes, Pharisees, and rulers were determined that they would not see the evidences of truth, and they evaded the most manifest conclusions. To justify their course of stubborn unbelief, they lost no possible opportunity of seizing upon anything in the teaching of Jesus that they could misconstrue, misapply, or falsify. When there was no possibility of misapplying the truth of Christ′s words, these men who rejected the counsel of God against themselves, started questions that had no reference to the matter in hand, so as to attract the attention of the people away from the lesson that Jesus sought to teach, and adroitly evade the truth. The Pharisees were not blindly opposing the doctrines of Christ; for the truth made deep impressions upon their minds; but they resisted truth, and went contrary to their convictions, closing their eyes lest they should see, hardening the heart, lest they should perceive, and be converted, and Christ should heal them (The Review and Herald, October 18, 1892). (5BC 1120.9) MC VC
Chapter 8 VC
46. See EGW comment on Acts 19:11, 12, 17. (5BC 1120.10) MC VC
Chapter 9 VC
23 (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; see EGW comment on Matthew 11:28-30). Shunning Cross Means Shunning Reward—[Luke 9:23 quoted.] These words are spoken to every one who desires to be a Christian. He who shuns the cross shuns the reward promised to the faithful (Letter 144, 1901). (5BC 1120.11) MC VC
28-31. See EGW comment on Matthew 17:1-3. (5BC 1120.12) MC VC