MM 151
(Medical Ministry 151)
The Unseen Witness VC
Christian physicians need to pray—to watch unto prayer. Before them is opened a door for many temptations, and they need to be awakened to a lively sense that there is a Watcher by their side, as surely as there was a Watcher at that sacrilegious feast of Belshazzar, when men praised the gods of silver and gold and drank from the sacred vessels of the temple of God. When men take honor to themselves, they are dishonoring God. (MM 151.1) MC VC
Whenever one by any action leads men to be forgetful of God, or to neglect the plain injunctions of His word, the unseen Witness testifies, as in the writing on the walls of the palace, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” Daniel 5:27.— Manuscript 17, 1890. (MM 151.2) MC VC
Establishment of New Sanitariums VC
This morning I am writing before anyone else is astir. I am receiving letters from persons inquiring whether I have any light in regard to the establishment of new sanitariums. (MM 151.3) MC VC
For what purpose are our sanitariums established? How shall we relate ourselves to them? (MM 151.4) MC VC
Years ago light was given me in regard to the establishment of sanitariums. It is not after the Lord’s mind to have sanitariums multiply too rapidly. It is not His plan for an institution to be in too close proximity to another one doing the same kind of work; for an institution, wherever it may be, must have good facilities and experienced helpers. With it should be connected capable, God-fearing managers—men who are sound in the faith, who will exert an influence for good, and who are able to carry the heavy responsibilities entrusted to them without running behind and involving the institutions in debt. (MM 151.5) MC VC
He who begins to build a tower must first sit down and count the cost, to find out whether after beginning to build he will be able to finish. All who propose to establish a sanitarium should understand that it is a great undertaking. If they have not sufficient skill and adaptability successfully to build up a new sanitarium, let them connect with sanitariums already established, making the interests of these institutions their own.... (MM 151.6) MC VC