TMK 32, 33.2
(That I May Know Him 32, 33.2)
The Wilderness Temptation, January 26 VC
“Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Matthew 4:1. (TMK 32.1) MC VC
Why was it that at the beginning of His public ministry Christ was led into the wilderness to be tempted? ... He went, not in His own behalf, but in our behalf; to overcome for us.... He was to be tried and tested as a representative of the race. He was to meet the foe in personal encounter, to overthrow him who claimed to be the head of the kingdoms of the world. (TMK 32.2) MC VC
Satan met Him and tempted Him on the very points where man will be tempted. Our Substitute and Surety passed over the ground where Adam stumbled and fell. And the question was, “Will He stumble and fall as Adam did over God’s commandments?” He met Satan’s attacks again and again with “It is written,” and Satan left the field of conflict a conquered foe. Christ has redeemed Adam’s disgraceful fall, and has perfected a character of perfect obedience, and left an example for the human family.... Had He failed on one point in reference to the law of God, He would not have been a perfect offering, for it was on one point only that Adam failed.... (TMK 32.3) MC VC
Our Saviour withstood on every point the test of temptation, and in this way He has made it possible for man to overcome. Now, there is enough in this idea, in this thought, to fill our hearts with gratitude every day of our lives. As Jesus was accepted as our substitute and surety, every one of us will be accepted if we stand the test and trial for ourselves. He took our nature that He might become acquainted with the trials wherewith man should be beset, and He is our mediator and intercessor before the Father. (TMK 32.4) MC VC
Those who would overcome must put to the tax every power of their being. They must agonize on their knees before God for divine power.... Men may have a power to resist evil—a power that neither earth, nor death, nor hell can master; a power that will place them where they may overcome as Christ overcame. Divinity and humanity may be combined in them. (TMK 32.5) MC VC
Let us consider how much it cost our Saviour in the wilderness of temptation to carry on in our behalf the conflict with the wily, malignant foe. Satan knew that everything depended upon his success or failure in his attempt to overcome Christ with his manifold temptations. Satan knew that the plan of salvation would be carried out to its fulfillment, that his power would be taken away, that his destruction would be certain, if Christ bore the test that Adam failed to endure. The temptations of Satan were most effective in degrading human nature, for man could not stand against their powerful influence; but Christ in man’s behalf, as man’s representative, resting wholly upon the power of God, endured the severe conflict, in order that He might be a perfect example to us. There is hope for man.... The work before us is to overcome as Christ overcame. He fasted forty days, and suffered the keenest pangs of hunger. Christ suffered on our account beyond our comprehension, and we should welcome trial and suffering on our own account for Christ’s sake, that we may overcome as Christ also overcame, and be exalted to the throne of our Redeemer.... (TMK 33.2) MC VC