TDG 208.4
(This Day With God 208.4)
We have by grace been chosen as His servants. A servant means a worker, one who bears cares, burdens, responsibilities.... We are to realize that it is not our goods we are handling, but the Master’s entrusted capital for us to invest and increase as wise stewards of our Lord’s goods, that we may return to Him His investment with usury. We cannot hoard the Lord’s goods and do nothing with it; thus did the slothful servant with his one pound, and lost his soul. Every man has a solemn work to do and he cannot trifle with his time; he cannot trifle with his privileges and his opportunities granted him. He must improve in character, in ability, according to his privileges and opportunities, to make a complete worker in the cause of God.—Manuscript 81, July 18, 1893,. (TDG 208.4) MC VC