9T 47
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 47)
At the same time there will be a power working from beneath. While God’s agents of mercy work through consecrated human beings, Satan sets his agencies in operation, laying under tribute all who will submit to his control. There will be lords many and gods many. The cry will be heard, “Lo, here is Christ,”(Matthew 24:23; Mark 13:21) and, “Lo, there is Christ.” Matthew 24:23; Mark 13:21. The deep plotting of Satan will reveal itself everywhere for the purpose of diverting the attention of men and women from present duty. There will be signs and wonders. But the eye of faith will discern in all these manifestations harbingers of the grand and awful future, and the triumphs that await the people of God. (9T 47.1) MC VC
Work, oh, work, keeping eternity in view! Bear in mind that every power must be sanctified. A great work is to be done. Let the prayer go forth from unfeigned lips: “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us.... That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations.” Psalm 67:1, 2. (9T 47.2) MC VC
Those who realize, even in a limited degree, what redemption means to them and to their fellow men, will walk by faith and will comprehend in some measure the vast needs of humanity. Their hearts will be moved to compassion as they see the widespread destitution in our world—the destitution of the multitudes who are suffering for food and clothing, and the moral destitution of thousands who are under the shadow of a terrible doom, in comparison with which physical suffering fades into nothingness. (9T 47.3) MC VC