RY 119.0
(The Retirement Years 119.0)
Would it not be best for you to withdraw your opposition to this union? It is not best for you in any way to oppose that which the Lord may have ordained. It may be that the Lord sees that by this union your sister and Elder Butler could accomplish more for Him than they otherwise could. What people may say has nothing to do with this matter. If it is the Lord’s purpose, let us not be found fighting against Him. - Letter 78, 1902. (RY 119.1) MC VC
Unwise Counsel From a Son VC
I beg of you not to reproach your father. You should not feel as you do, for your father has done nothing that God condemns. His condemnation exists only in the minds of men. He has in no wise dishonored his children. He is keeping the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment. The Lord is opening the way before him, that he may do a great and good work for His people. Christ is his Saviour, and in beholding Christ he will be changed into His image. (RY 119.2) MC VC
Your father has been a kind, tender husband. For many years he served faithfully her whom he has always loved. Death separated him from the one who for so long has been his special charge. Then his sister was taken from him, and his home was broken up. Is it any wonder that under these circumstances he should, after your mother’s death, become attached to a woman in whose conversion to the truth he was instrumental? This woman is not young, but of an age to be a help to him in his work. Should your father’s age have stood as a barrier to his happiness?... (RY 119.3) MC VC