Ev 684
(Evangelism 684)
To Work With, but Not Copy, Experienced Workers—The inexperienced ones should not be sent out alone. They should stand right by the side of older and experienced ministers, where they could educate them. But they should say to them, “You must not copy my gestures, nor the tone of my voice, so that nobody will know whether you are speaking or whether I am speaking. You are to stand in your own armor, with your own phase of character, sanctified by God. You are not to take my phase of character, nor my gestures, nor my tone of voice, nor my expressions, nor my words.” (Ev 684.1) MC VC
I think this has been shown me twenty times in my lifetime, and I have tried to tell it to the brethren, but the evil is not remedied. When one of these men who have not an experience in the work stands by your side he is not to think in everything just as you think, and look at everything just as you look at it; that if you should give up the truth he would say, “I might as well give it up.” Let them stand to obtain a symmetry of character from the God of heaven; not that they should have your ideas, and you have a molding influence on them; but you should carry them right to the Bible as their pattern. The importance of these things has been shown me so many times that I feel a burden on this point.—Manuscript 19b, 1890. (Ev 684.2) MC VC