LYL 66
(Letters to Young Lovers 66)
Letter 1 (LYL 66) MC VC
Ballardvale, Mass., (LYL 66) MC VC
August, 1879. (LYL 66) MC VC
Dear William, (LYL 66) MC VC
I go to my tent with aching heart, to relieve my mind by writing you some things which were shown me in vision. (LYL 66.1) MC VC
The Lord has shown you that your association with Carol was not in any way calculated to help your morals or strengthen your spirituality. You have made some feeble attempts to break away from her society, but you have soon renewed your attention to her, she sometimes making the advance, and you infatuated with her. (LYL 66.2) MC VC
You have spent hours of the night in her company because you were both infatuated. She professes love for you but she knows not the pure love of an unpretending heart. (LYL 66.3) MC VC
I was shown you are fascinated, deceived, and Satan exults that one who has scarcely a trait of character that would make a happy wife and a happy home should have an influence to separate you from the mother who loves you with a changeless affection. In the name of the Lord cease your attentions to Carol or marry her—do not scandalize the cause of God. (LYL 66.4) MC VC
You have pursued your own course irrespective of consequences. Your heart has rebelled against your mother because she could not in any way receive Carol or sanction the attention you gave her. (LYL 66.5) MC VC
The intimacy formed with Carol has not had a tendency to bring you nearer the Lord or to sanctify you through the truth. You are risking your eternal interest in the company of this girl. (LYL 66.6) MC VC
Carol expects to consummate a marriage with you and you have given her encouragement to expect this by your attentions. Your happiness in this life and in the future life is in peril. You have followed her deceptive, foolish entreaties and your own judgment which have not made you a more consistent Christian or a more faithful, dutiful son. If the atmosphere surrounding her is the most agreeable to you, if she meets your standard for a wife to stand at the head of your family; if, in your calm judgment, taken in the light given you of God, her example would be worthy of imitation, you might as well marry her as to be in her society and conduct yourselves as only man and wife should conduct themselves towards each other. (LYL 66.7) MC VC