MM 88
(Medical Ministry 88)
The True Higher Education VC
Human fallacies are abundant and specious. Unseen agencies are at work to make falsehood appear as truth; errors are clothed with a deceptive garb that men may be led to accept them as essential to a higher education. And these fallacies will deceive many of our students unless they are thoroughly guarded, and unless they are led by the Spirit of God to take the grand and holy truths of the word into their hearts and minds, accepting these as the principles underlying the higher education. No instruction can exceed in value the pure instruction of God, which comes for the enlightenment of all who will be enlightened. (MM 88.1) MC VC
Our students must be educated to understand that there can be no education higher than that which was given by the Great Teacher to the world. We must guard our students from temptation by making the sacred truths of the word of God the basis of their education. This higher knowledge, the knowledge of the glory of God, is to shine into their hearts, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of men.... (MM 88.2) MC VC
Warn every student that he must be wide-awake. Let this truth be firmly fixed upon the mind by our ministers and by all who in faith are acting a part to rid the human mind of error, that there can be no higher education than that which came forth from Him who gave His life that humanity might grasp divinity, and fallen man become one with God. The teacher who is so foolish as to think that he can give to the students a more perfect knowledge than that given by the Great Teacher, Christ Jesus, is ignorant of what constitutes the higher education.—Letter 98, 1909. (MM 88.3) MC VC
Truth Strengthens the Understanding VC
The word of God, regarded and studied as it should be, will give light and knowledge. Its perusal will strengthen the understanding. By contact with the purest, most lofty truths, the mind will be enlarged, the taste refined. (MM 88.4) MC VC