1MCP 365.2
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 365.2)
Set Up Well-defined Landmarks—Let the youth set up well-defined landmarks by which they may be guided in emergencies. When a crisis comes that demands active, well-developed physical powers and a clear, strong, practical working mind; when difficult work is to be done where every stroke must tell, and perplexities can be met only through seeking wisdom from God, then the youth who have learned to overcome difficulties by earnest labor can respond to the call for workers, “Here am I, send me.” Isaiah 6:8. Let the hearts of young men and young women be as clear as crystal. Let not their thoughts be trivial, but sanctified by virtue and holiness. They need not be otherwise. With purity of thought through sanctification of the Spirit, their lives may be refined, elevated, ennobled.— Letters to Physicians and Ministers 1, July 1900, 31,32. (1MCP 365.2) MC VC