2BC 1037-8
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 1037-8)
9. Linking One′s Self With Holy Spirit Means Success—The success of the ministry of Elijah was not due to any inherited qualities he possessed, but to the submission of himself to the Holy Spirit, which was given to him as it will be given to all who exercise living faith in God. In his imperfection man has the privilege of linking himself up with God through Jesus Christ (Manuscript 148, 1899). (2BC 1037.1) MC VC
9, 15. Power United With Tender Compassion—Elisha received a double portion of the spirit that had rested on Elijah. In him the power of Elijah′s spirit was united with the gentleness, mercy, and tender compassion of the Spirit of Christ (Letter 93, 1902). (2BC 1037.2) MC VC
11-15 (Zechariah 4:6). Deviation Disqualifies for Service—Henceforth Elisha stood in the place of Elijah. He was called to the position of highest honor because he had been faithful over a few things. The question arose in his mind, “Am I qualified for such a position?” But he would not allow his mind to question. The greatest qualification for any man in a position of trust is to obey implicitly the Word of the Lord. Elisha might exercise his reasoning ability on every other subject but the one that would admit of no reasoning. He was to obey the Word of the Lord at all times and in all places. Elisha had put his hand to the plow, and he would not look back. He revealed his determination and firm reliance upon God. (2BC 1037.3) MC VC
This lesson is for us to study carefully. We are in no case to swerve from our allegiance. No duties that God presents before us should cause us to work at cross-purposes with Him. The Word of God is to be our counselor. It is only those who render perfect and thorough obedience to God that He will choose. Those who follow the Lord are to be firm and straightforward in obeying His directions. Any deviation to follow human devising or planning disqualifies them for being trustworthy. Even if they have to walk as did Enoch,—with God alone,—his children must separate from those who do not obey Him, who show that they are not in vital connection with Him. The Lord God is a Host; and all who are in His service will realize the meaning of His words to Zerubbabel, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts”(Zechariah 4:6) (The Youth′s Instructor, April 28, 1898). (2BC 1037.4) MC VC
15. Lessons from Elijah and Elisha—The history of Elijah and Elisha needs to be brought out in clear lines, that our people may understand the importance of the work of reform to be carried on in this age. Oh, that our people might have the assurance that their feet are standing on the sure foundation! (2BC 1037.5) MC VC
The lessons to be learned from the life work of Elijah and Elisha mean much to all who are striving to plant the feet of men and women on the eternal Rock. The workers must humble their own hearts if they would understand God′s purposes for them; they must themselves strive in the truest sense if they would influence others to enter the strait gate. The presentation of the truth must be made with grace and with power to those who stand in need of light and uplifting (Letter 30, 1912). (2BC 1037.6) MC VC
Chapter 4 VC
38-44 (2 Kings 6:1-7). Schools Were Respected for Learning and Piety—Samuel had founded the first regular establishments for religious instruction and the unfolding of the prophetic gifts. Among the chief subjects of study, were the law of God with the instructions given to Moses, sacred history, sacred music, and poetry. In these “schools of the prophets” young men were educated by those who were not only well versed in divine truth, but who themselves maintained close communion with God and had received the special endowment of His Spirit. These educators enjoyed the respect and confidence of the people both for learning and piety. The power of the Holy Spirit was often strikingly manifest in their assemblies, and the exercise of the prophetic gift was not infrequent. These schools, or colleges, were of untold value to Israel, not only as providing for the dissemination of religious truth, but as preserving the spirit of vital godliness (The Signs of the Times, July 20, 1882). (2BC 1037.7) MC VC
Chapter 6 VC
1-7. See EGW comment on 2 Kings 4:38-44. (2BC 1037.8) MC VC
Chapter 8 VC
16, 18. Jezebel′s Scheme Unsuccessful—With her seductive arts, Jezebel made Jehoshaphat her friend. She arranged a marriage between her daughter Athaliah and Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat. She knew that her daughter, brought up under her guidance and as unscrupulous as herself, would carry out her designs. But did she? No; the sons of the prophets, who had been educated in the schools which Samuel established, were steadfast for truth and righteousness (Manuscript 116, 1899). (2BC 1038.1) MC VC
Chapter 10 VC
1-31. Jehu Religion Unsafe—Men are slow to learn the lesson that the spirit manifested by Jehu will never bind hearts together. It is not safe for us to bind our interests with a Jehu religion; for this will result in bringing sadness of heart upon God′s true workers. God has not given to any of His servants the work of punishing those who will not heed His warnings and reproofs. When the Holy Spirit is abiding in the heart, it will lead the human agent to see his own defects of character, to pity the weakness of others, to forgive as he wishes to be forgiven. He will be pitiful, courteous, Christlike (The Review and Herald, April 10, 1900). (2BC 1038.2) MC VC
Chapter 15 VC
5. See EGW comment on 2 Chronicles 26:16-21. (2BC 1038.3) MC VC
Chapter 20 VC
12-15 (Isaiah 39:1-4). What Have They Seen?—What have your friends and acquaintances seen in your house? Are you, instead of revealing the treasures of the grace of Christ, displaying those things that will perish with the using? Or do you, to those with whom you are brought in contact, communicate some new thought of Christ′s character and work? Have you always some fresh revelation of His pitying love to impart to those who know Him not? (The Signs of the Times, October 1, 1902). (2BC 1038.4) MC VC
Chapter 22 VC
10, 11 (2 Chronicles 34:18, 19). Josiah′s Repentance Points to Our Work—When Josiah heard the words of warning and condemnation because Israel had trampled upon the precepts of heaven, he humbled himself. He wept before the Lord. He made a thorough work of repentance and reformation, and God accepted his efforts. The whole congregation of Israel entered into a solemn covenant to keep the commandments of Jehovah. This is our work today. We must repent of the past evil of our doings, and seek God with all our hearts. We must believe that God means just what He says, and make no compromise with evil in any way. We should greatly humble ourselves before God, and consider any loss preferable to the loss of His favor (The Review and Herald, January 31, 1888). (2BC 1038.5) MC VC
13. See EGW comment on 2 Chronicles 34:21. (2BC 1038.6) MC VC
14. See EGW comment on 2 Chronicles 34:22. (2BC 1038.7) MC VC
Chapter 23 VC
1-3 (2 Chronicles 34:29-31). Need for a Reform—Josiah had read to priests and people the Book of the law found in the side of the ark in the house of God. His sensitive conscience was deeply stirred as he saw how far the people had departed from the requirements of the covenant they had made with God. He saw that they were indulging appetite to a fearful extent, and perverting their senses by the use of wine. Men in sacred offices were frequently incapacitated for the duties of their positions, because of their indulgence in wine. (2BC 1038.8) MC VC
Appetite and passion were fast gaining the ascendancy over the reason and judgment of the people, till they could not discern that the retribution of God would follow upon their corrupt course. Josiah, the youthful reformer, in the fear of God demolished the profane sanctuaries and hideous idols built for heathen worship, and the altars reared for sacrifices to heathen deities. Yet there were still to be seen in Christ′s time the memorials of the sad apostasy of the king of Israel and his people (The Health Reformer, April, 1878). (2BC 1038.9) MC VC
The Book an Ally in Work of Reform—In his position as king, it was the work of Josiah to carry out in the Jewish nation the principles taught in the Book of the law. This he endeavored to do faithfully. In the Book of the law itself he found a treasure of knowledge, a powerful ally in the work of reform (The General Conference Bulletin, April 1, 1903). (2BC 1038.10) MC VC