CT 436
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 436)
“I will no longer stand so far above you. Let us climb together, and we will see what can be gained by a united study of the Scriptures. Christ is the One who imparts all knowledge. Let us work together in an earnest effort to learn from God how to understand the truths of His word, and how to place these truths before others in their beauty and simplicity.” (CT 436.1) MC VC
“Let us study together. I have nothing that you cannot receive if you open your mind to Christ’s teachings. The Bible is your guidebook and my guidebook. By asking questions you may suggest ideas that are new to me. Various ways of expressing the truth we are studying will bring light into our class. If any explanation of the word differs from your previous understanding, do not hesitate to state your views of the subject. Light will shine upon us as in the meekness and lowliness of Christ we study together.” (CT 436.2) MC VC
This is the way in which the schools of the prophets were conducted. Time was given in the class for a faithful study of the thoughts presented. Hearts were warmed, and the voice of praise and thanksgiving was heard. The sacred gospel was humanized, as in the teachings of Christ. Much was accomplished for both teachers and students. Time was given for each one to partake of the heavenly repast—to study the truths presented and then to add that which he had received from God. (CT 436.3) MC VC