CT 496
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 496)
That education alone which brings the student into close relation with the Great Teacher is true education. The youth are to be taught to look to Christ as their guide. They are to be taught lessons of forbearance and trust, of true goodness and kindness of heart, of perseverance and steadfastness. Their characters are to answer to the words of David: “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace.” Psalm 144:12. (CT 496.1) MC VC
The converted student has broken the chain which bound him to the service of sin, and has placed himself in right relation to God. His name is enrolled in the Lamb’s book of life. He is under solemn obligation to renounce evil and come under the jurisdiction of heaven. Through earnest prayer he is to cleave to Christ. To neglect this devotion, to refuse this service, is to become the sport of Satan’s wiles. (CT 496.2) MC VC
While cultivating the mind the student should also cultivate uprightness of heart and loyalty to God, that he may develop a character like that of Joseph. Then he will scorn the thought of yielding to temptation, fearing to sully his purity. Like Daniel, he will resolve to be true to principle and to make the very best use of the powers with which God has endowed him. (CT 496.3) MC VC
Long Courses of Study VC
There are many who think that in order to be fitted for acceptable service they must go through a long course of study under learned teachers in some school of the world. This they must do, it is true, if they desire to secure what the world calls education. But we do not say to our youth, “Study, study, keeping your mind all the time on books.” Nor do we say to them, “You must spend your time in school in acquiring the so-called higher education.” The cause of God needs experienced workers. But we should not think that we must climb to the highest round of knowledge in every science. Time is short, and we must labor earnestly for souls. If students will study the word of God diligently and prayerfully, they will find the knowledge that they need. (CT 496.4) MC VC