CW 115
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 115)
Chapter 15—The Educational Journal VC
Exalt the Greatest Teacher—The editors of the Christian Educator [our initial educational journal, published at Battle Creek, Michigan, from July, 1897, to the summer of 1899.] should carefully consider the character of the subjects which they place before their readers. Why has the Christian Educator presented to its large list of readers the pictures and the works of men? The exaltation of these supposedly learned men, in the Educator and the Instructor, [reference is here made to the Youth’s Instructor.] does not reflect glory to God. Is it the purpose of your papers to recommend the men, the methods, and the books to which you refer? If so, what has this to do with Christian education? The subject which should be kept before the people is not the lives and the achievements of men engaged in educational work, but it is the education which comes from the greatest Teacher that the world ever knew, and which is found in the word of God. (CW 115.1) MC VC
With this instruction before us, so unlike the teaching of the popular schools of today, we have no need to hold up before the people the names of educators who are not conversant with, and obedient to, the word of the living God. These men may suppose that they are teaching the principles of Christianity, but have we not unquestionable evidence that they are teaching for doctrine the commandments of men? Are they not far behind in the education most important for this time? Has the Lord given to us the work of presenting in our periodicals the pictures of these men, and their history? (CW 115.2) MC VC