CD 281
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 281)
Chapter 16—Sanitarium Dietary VC
Rational Care and Good Food VC
419. Institutions for the care of the sick are to be established, where those who are suffering from disease may be placed under the care of God-fearing medical missionaries, and be treated without drugs. To these institutions there will come those who have brought disease upon themselves by improper habits of eating and drinking, and a simple, wholesome, palatable diet is to be provided. There is to be no starvation diet. Wholesome articles of food are to be combined in such a way as to make appetizing dishes.—Manuscript 50, 1905 (CD 281.1) MC VC
420. We wish to build a sanitarium where maladies may be cured by nature’s own provisions, and where the people may be taught how to treat themselves when sick; where they will learn to eat temperately of wholesome food, and be educated to refuse all narcotics,—tea, coffee, fermented wines, and stimulants of all kinds,—and to discard the flesh of dead animals.—Manuscript 44, 1896 (CD 281.2) MC VC
Responsibility of Physicians, Dietitians, and Nurses VC
421. It is the duty of the physician to see that wholesome food is provided, and it should be prepared in a way that will not create disturbances in the human organism.—Letter 112, 1909 (CD 281.3) MC VC
422. Physicians should watch unto prayer, realizing that they stand in a position of great responsibility. They should prescribe for their patients the food best suited for them. This food should be prepared by one who realizes that he occupies a most important position, inasmuch as good food is required to make good blood.—Manuscript 93, 1901 (CD 281.4) MC VC