CSW 168
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 168)
A keen, sharp intellect may be an advantage, but the power of the educator is in his heart connection with the Light and Life of the world. He will love humanity and ever seek to bring it to a higher level. He will not always be blaming others, but his heart will be filled with pity. He will not be great in his own estimation, neither will he seek constantly to bolster up and strengthen his own dignity; but the humility of Jesus will be personified in his life. He will feel the truth of the words of Christ, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5. Such teachers as these are greatly needed. God will work with them. “Learn of Me,” says Christ, “for I am meek and lowly in heart.” Matthew 11:29. Many who are engaged in the Sabbath school work need divine enlightenment. They lack spiritual insight to enable them to apprehend the wants of those for whom they are laboring.... (CSW 168.1) MC VC
Criticism and Sharpness to Be Avoided VC
Superintendents, never scold nor complain before your teachers or scholars. If you wish to influence the school for good, put away the whip, and exert a heaven-inspiring influence, which will carry the minds of all with you. In making plans and regulations for the school, let them represent, as nearly as possible, the voice of the school. In some schools there is a sharp, critical spirit. Much is made of forms and rules, while the weightier matters, mercy and the love of God, are neglected. Let all be cheerful. If any have clouds encompassing their souls, let them work out into the sunlight before they enter the Sabbath school. A mother who is constantly relating her discouragements, and complaining to her children of their lack of appreciation, cannot have proper control of them. So will it be with you, teachers and superintendents. If you see a lack in this respect, do not lessen your influence by speaking of it; but in a quiet way set influences to work that will correct the evil. Plan, study how to secure a well-organized, well-disciplined school.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 16-19. (CSW 168.2) MC VC