1T 97
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 97)
The darkest clouds seemed to shut down over us. Wicked men professing godliness, under the command of Satan were hurried on to forge falsehoods, and to bring the strength of their forces against us. If the cause of God had been ours alone, we might have trembled; but it was in the hands of Him who could say: “No one is able to pluck it out of My hands.” We knew that Jesus lived and reigned. We could say before the Lord: “The cause is Thine, and Thou knowest that it has not been our own choice, but by Thy command, that we have acted the part we have in it.” (1T 97.1) MC VC
Chapter 13—Removal to Michigan VC
In 1855 the brethren in Michigan opened the way for the office of publication to be removed to Battle Creek. At that time my husband was owing between two and three thousand dollars, and all he had besides the books on hand was accounts for books, and some of these were doubtful. The cause had apparently come to a halt, orders for publications were very few and small, and he feared that he would die in debt. Brethren in Michigan assisted us in obtaining a lot and building a house. The deed was made in my name, so that I could dispose of it at pleasure after the death of my husband. (1T 97.2) MC VC
Those were days of sadness. I looked upon my three little boys, soon, as I feared, to be left fatherless, and thoughts like these forced themselves upon me: My husband dies of overwork in the cause of present truth; and who realizes what he has suffered, the burdens he has for years borne, the extreme care which has crushed his spirits and ruined his health, bringing him to an untimely grave, leaving his family destitute and dependent? I have often asked the question, Does God have no care for these things? Does He pass them by unnoticed? I was comforted to know that there is One who judgeth righteously, and that every sacrifice, every self-denial, and every pang of anguish endured for His sake, is faithfully chronicled in heaven, and will bring its reward. The day of the Lord will declare and bring to light things that are not yet made manifest. (1T 97.3) MC VC