TM 293-4
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 293-4)
The Preeminence of the Work of Saving Souls VC
The saving of human souls is an interest infinitely above any other line of work in our world. Whoever is brought under the influences of the truth, and through faith is made partaker of Christ’s love, is by that very fact appointed of God to save others. He has a mission in the world. He is to be a colaborer with Christ, making known the truth as it is in Jesus; and when men in any line of God’s work seek to bring the minds and talents of the Lord’s human agents under their control, they have assumed a jurisdiction over their fellowmen that they cannot maintain without injustice and iniquity. The Lord has placed no man as judge, either of the pen or the voice of God’s workmen. (TM 293.1) MC VC
There are men whose character and life testify to the fact that they are false prophets and deceivers. These we are not to hear or tolerate. But those whom God is using are under His control, and He has not appointed men with human, shortsighted judgment to criticize and condemn, to pass judgment and reject their work because every idea does not coincide with that which they suppose to be truth. (TM 294.1) MC VC
The Fallibility of Human Judgment VC
Men can become just as were the Pharisees—wide-awake to condemn the greatest teacher that the world ever knew. Christ gave unmistakable evidence that He was sent of God, yet the Jewish rulers took upon themselves the work the enemy prompted them to do, and charged Him who made the Sabbath, who was the Lord of the Sabbath, with being a Sabbath breaker. Oh, the foolishness of men! the weakness of men! (TM 294.2) MC VC
There are those who are today doing the very same things. In their counsels they venture to pronounce judgment upon the work of God; for they have become trained in doing that which the Lord has never required them to do. They would better humble their own hearts before God, and keep their hands off the ark of God, lest the wrath of God shall break forth upon them; for if God has ever spoken by me, I testify that they have undertaken a work in criticizing and pronouncing unsound judgment which I know is not right. They are but finite men and, being befogged themselves, suppose that other men are in error. (TM 294.3) MC VC
But these men who presume to judge others should take a little broader view and say, “Suppose the statements of others do not agree with our ideas; shall we for this pronounce them heresy? Shall we, uninspired men, take the responsibility of placing our stakes, and saying, ‘This shall not appear in print?’ (TM 294.4) MC VC