RY 26.1
(The Retirement Years 26.1)
Those who enter the work later, to find things ready to their hand, should at least attempt to pay the debt they owe the Lord and the workers who went before them, by carrying the truth into new territories, until it has gone to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. In every country men and women are to be raised up to carry forward the very work begun by those who have been laid away to rest. The memory of those pioneer workers is to be guarded, and from their treasure of experience the workers of today are to learn to pass from one line of advanced work to another, following the methods declared by the Holy Spirit to be in the order of God, asserting the principles enjoined in the Word, carrying the aggressive warfare into new fields.—The General Conference Bulletin, 164 Third quarter, 1900. (RY 26.1) MC VC