CSW 66
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 66)
As a Living Fountain VC
Every true Christian is a living fountain, ever receiving of the unfailing streams of grace, ever refreshed and ever refreshing those that are around him. Those who are coworkers with God manifest a missionary spirit; for they are ever receiving, that they may ever be giving to others the light and blessing of heaven. Those who open their hearts to receive largely will be able to give largely. [This paragraph from the Sabbath-School Worker, August, 1892, was omitted in TSS.] (CSW 66.1) MC VC
How sad it is to think of the great amount of mechanical work that is done in the Sabbath school, while there is little evidence that there is moral transformation in the souls of those who teach and who are taught! When the work of the Spirit of God is felt upon the heart, we shall see many earnestly seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Then earthly things will find their proper, subordinate position, and heavenly things will be supreme in the affections of the children of God.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 72 (Sabbath School Worker, August, 1892). (CSW 66.2) MC VC