6T 79
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 79)
The Majesty of heaven came to our world to save lost, fallen humanity. His efforts included not merely the outcasts but those in places of high honor. Ingeniously He worked to obtain access to souls in the higher classes who knew not God and did not keep His commandments. (6T 79.1) MC VC
The same work was continued after Christ’s ascension. My heart is made very tender as I read of the interest manifested by the Lord in Cornelius. Cornelius was a man in high position, an officer in the Roman army, but he was walking in strict accordance with all the light he had received. The Lord sent a special message from heaven to him, and by another message directed Peter to visit him and give him light. It ought to be a great encouragement to us in our work to think of the compassion and tender love of God for those who are seeking and praying for light. (6T 79.2) MC VC
There are many who are represented to me as being like Cornelius, men whom God desires to connect with His church. Their sympathies are with the Lord’s commandment-keeping people. But the threads that bind them to the world hold them firmly. They have not the moral courage to take their position with the lowly ones. We are to make special efforts for these souls, who are in need of special labor because of their responsibilities and temptations. (6T 79.3) MC VC
From the light given me I know that a plain “Thus saith the Lord” should now be spoken to men who have influence and authority in the world. They are stewards to whom God has committed important trusts. If they will accept His call, God will use them in His cause. (6T 79.4) MC VC