MM 191
(Medical Ministry 191)
A Mouthpiece for God VC
It is highly important to know how to approach the sick with the comfort of a hope gained through faith in Christ Jesus and acceptance of His promises. When the awakened conscience cries out, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner;” Luke 18:13. “make me Thy child,” be ready to tell the sufferer, the once indifferent one, that there is hope for him, that in Jesus he will find a refuge. (MM 191.1) MC VC
The Saviour is inviting everyone, “Look unto Me, and live. Come unto Me, and find rest.” Those who in meekness and love present the hope of the gospel to afflicted souls so much in need of this hope, are the mouthpiece of the One who gave Himself for all mankind that He might become a healer, a tender, sympathetic, compassionate Saviour. Let every means be devised to bring about the saving of souls in our medical institutions. This is our work. If the spiritual work is left undone, there is no necessity of calling upon our people to build these institutions. Those who have no burning desire to save souls are not the ones who should connect with our sanitariums.—Letter 159, 1902. (MM 191.2) MC VC
The Workers Needed VC
The Lord wants wise men and women acting in the capacity of nurses to comfort and help the sick and suffering. Through the ministrations of these nurses, those who have heretofore taken no interest in religious things will be led to ask, “What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30. The sick will be led to Christ by the patient attention of nurses who anticipate their wants, and who bow in prayer and ask the great Medical Missionary to look with compassion upon the sufferer and to let the soothing influence of His grace be felt and His restoring power be exercised ∙∙∙ . (MM 191.3) MC VC