2MCP 783.2
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 783.2)
If, while you have been studying the science of mind philosophy, you had diligently studied the science of true godliness, your Christian experience would be very different from what it is. Why have you turned from the pure streams of Lebanon to drink of the murky waters of the plain—the deceitfulness of human inventions? The heart needs a power that is found only in the Word of God. This power is the bread of life, which, if a man eat thereof, he shall live forever. He is not merely to taste occasionally of the bread which comes down from heaven. He is to live on the words which are spirit and life to the receiver. The earnest grasp of truth, the personal appropriation of the words of Christ, works a transformation in the character.—Lt 130, 1901. (2MCP 783.2) MC VC