PK 70
(Prophets and Kings 70)
“I will praise the name of God, ...
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”
Psalm 69:30.
(PK 70.1)
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power.” Revelation 4:11. (PK 70.2) MC VC
“I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart:
And I will glorify Thy name forevermore.”
Psalm 86:12.
(PK 70.3)
“O magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.”
Psalm 34:3.
(PK 70.4)
The introduction of principles leading away from a spirit of sacrifice and tending toward self-glorification, was accompanied by yet another gross perversion of the divine plan for Israel. God had designed that His people should be the light of the world. From them was to shine forth the glory of His law as revealed in the life practice. For the carrying out of this design, He had caused the chosen nation to occupy a strategic position among the nations of earth. (PK 70.5) MC VC
In the days of Solomon the kingdom of Israel extended from Hamath on the north to Egypt on the south, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the river Euphrates. Through this territory ran many natural highways of the world’s commerce, and caravans from distant lands were constantly passing to and fro. Thus there was given to Solomon and his people opportunity to reveal to men of all nations the character of the King of kings, and to teach them to reverence and obey Him. To all the world this knowledge was to be given. Through the teaching of the sacrificial offerings, Christ was to be uplifted before the nations, that all who would might live. (PK 70.6) MC VC