2T 619
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 619)
May the Lord help us to seek Him with all the heart; I want to know that I daily gather the divine rays from glory, that emanate from the throne of God and shine from the face of Jesus Christ, and scatter them in the pathway around me. I want to be all light in the Lord. (2T 619.1) MC VC
Chapter 77—Love of Gain VC
Dear Brother B (2T 619) MC VC
I have twice commenced a testimony to you, but have been unable to complete it for want of time. I must delay no longer, for I feel sadly burdened over your case. I have written a testimony for several of the ministers, and as their cases recur to my mind, I fully realize that their condition is deplorable. Your case is not an exception. The love of gain, the love of money, is becoming prominent with many of our ministers who profess to be representatives of Christ. The example of some of these is such that the people are becoming discouraged. (2T 619.2) MC VC