2T 627
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 627)
The neglect of the light that God has given you has, in a degree, made you captive, subject to Satan’s devices; therefore a door has been left open for him to gain access to you in other directions and make you a weak man. He sees that he has succeeded in blinding your eyes to the interests of your family by leading you to neglect the light which the Lord has given. Then Satan has beset you in another direction. He has excited your love of traffic, your love of gain; and thus your interest has been divided from the cause and work of God. The love of God and the truth is gradually becoming of less importance. Souls for whom Christ died are of less value to you than your temporal interests. If you continue to pursue this course, you will soon become jealous, sensitive, and envious, and will go away from the truth, as others have gone. (2T 627.1) MC VC
You are anxious to obtain labor in your locality, hoping that something can be said or done to awaken your children. You have neglected your duty. When you take up the long-neglected work which the Lord has left for you to do; when you, with the spirit of Christ, resolutely arouse yourself to set your house in order, then you may hope that God will aid your efforts and impress the hearts of your family. While you have made your children an excuse for your remaining at home, you have not done the work for which you pleaded to stay at home. You have not disciplined your children. Your wife is deficient in this respect, therefore there is the greater need that you be in a position to do your duty. Her love is of that kind which will lead her to indulge them in doing as they please and in choosing their own society, which will lead to their ruin. Your presence at home, while you allow your children to do as they please, is worse for your family than if you were away from them; and it has a worse influence upon the cause of truth. (2T 627.2) MC VC