VSS 42.1
(The Voice in Speech and Song 42.1)
Speech As Influenced by the Truth Within—If students will have the moral courage to live the truth day by day, its sanctifying power will have a wonderful influence on their speech. They may make some alteration in their ways and manners, but no fruit is produced until the speech is sanctified. They may hear the truth, but they will make no decided change unless they eat the Word of God. Until the truth becomes a part of them, they may assent to it till it is opposed, but they show by their speech that the Word is not to them the bread of life. God has given to everyone the opportunity and privilege of becoming a partaker of the divine nature, thus becoming one with Jesus Christ. But many show by their words that they do not feed on Jesus Christ, and therefore they cannot shine, they cannot communicate that which is not their meat and drink. Their use of the talent of speech shows that they have gathered only chaff.—Manuscript 74, 1897. (VSS 42.1) MC VC