MM 319
(Medical Ministry 319)
How to Reveal Christ VC
There is a great work to be done. How shall we reveal Christ? I know of no better way ... than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry. Wherever you go, there begin to work. Take an interest in those around you who need help and light. You may stand and preach to those here who know the truth; you may preach sermon after sermon to them, but they do not appreciate it. Why? Because they are inactive. Everyone who is able to go out and work should bring to the foundation stone, not hay, wood, or stubble, but gold, silver, and precious stones.—The General Conference Bulletin, 1901, Extra No. 18. (MM 319.1) MC VC
A New Element VC
A new element needs to be brought into the work. God’s people must receive the warning, and work for souls right where they are; for people do not realize their great need and peril. Christ sought the people where they were, and placed before them the great truths in regard to His kingdom. As He went from place to place, He blessed and comforted the suffering and healed the sick. This is our work. God would have us relieve the necessities of the destitute. The reason that the Lord does not manifest His power more decidedly is because there is so little spirituality among those who claim to believe the truth.—Letter 42, 1898. (MM 319.2) MC VC
Opportunities for All VC
“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” Mark 16:20. (MM 319.3) MC VC
The words spoken to the disciples are spoken to us also. None need think that the day for working as the apostles worked is past. Men and women can today work as Christ has given them example. To all will come opportunities to minister to sin-sick souls and to those in need of physical healing. Physical healing is a science of heavenly birth, bound up with the gospel commission.— Manuscript 16, 1904. (MM 319.4) MC VC