2SG 254
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 254)
I saw that many parents do not take as firm and decided a stand as they should in regard to their children. They suffer them, and (by so-doing) encourage in their children a disposition to be like the world, to love dress, and associate with those that hate the truth, whose influence is poisonous. (2SG 254.1) MC VC
I saw that in christian parents there should always be a fixed principle with them to be united in the government of their children. I saw there was a fault in this respect with some parents—a lack of union. The fault is sometimes with the father, but oftener with the mother. The fond mother pets and indulges her children. The father’s labor calls him from home often, and from the society of his children. The mother’s influence tells. Her example does much towards forming the character of the children. (2SG 254.2) MC VC
Some fond mothers excuse wrongs in their children which should not be suffered in them for a moment. The wrongs of the children are sometimes concealed from the father. Articles of dress, or some indulgence is granted by the mother, with the understanding that the father is to know nothing about it; for he would reprove for these things. (2SG 254.3) MC VC