Ev 204
(Evangelism 204)
Effective Use of Appropriate Devices—Elder S is now making an effort in Oakland.... He has pitched his tent in a central location and has secured a good hearing, better than we had expected. (Ev 204.1) MC VC
Brother S is an intelligent evangelist. He speaks with the simplicity of a child. Never does he bring any slur into his discourses. He preaches directly from the Word, letting the Word speak to all classes. His strong arguments are the words of the Old and the New Testaments. He does not seek for words that would merely impress the people with his learning, but he endeavors to let the Word of God speak to them directly in clear, distinct utterance. If any refuse to accept the message, they must reject the Word. (Ev 204.2) MC VC
Brother S dwells especially upon the prophecies in the books of Daniel and the Revelation. He has large representations of the beasts spoken of in these books. These beasts are made of papier-mache, and by an ingenious invention, they may be brought at the proper time before the congregation. Thus he holds the attention of the people, while he preaches the truth to them. Through this effort hundreds will be led to a better understanding of the Bible than they ever had before, and we trust that there will be many conversions.—Letter 326, 1906. (Ev 204.3) MC VC
A Sound Pedagogical Principle—The labors of Elder S remind me of the labors put forth in 1842 to 1844. He uses the Bible, and the Bible alone, to prove the truth of his arguments. He presents a plain “Thus saith the Lord.” Then if any oppose his words, he makes it plain that they must have their controversy not with him. (Ev 204.4) MC VC