HP 162.3
(In Heavenly Places 162.3)
There are many who testify daily, I am not changed in character, only in theory.... All may through faith gain a conqueror’s crown, but many are not willing to engage in hand to hand warfare with their own imperfect dispositions. They retain attributes which make them offensive to God. Daily they are transgressing the principles of His holy law. If all would only learn the simple lesson that they must take and wear the yoke of Christ and learn of the Great Teacher His meekness and lowliness of heart, they would better fulfill their covenant to love God supremely and their neighbor as themselves.... They must begin at the very beginning. Christ says, Take My yoke of restraint and obedience upon you, and learn of Me.... The heart will then be made right with God, through the creative power of Christ. Partakers of the divine nature, they are transformed.... (HP 162.3) MC VC